Redwood Heights Community Blood Drives
Celebrating Our 2024 Results
Hosted 3 Blood Drives
Facilitated 85 Units of Blood
Helped Up To 255 People
Give the Gift of Life
Join your neighbors to help those in need by donating blood at the Redwood Heights Association Blood Drive at the Redwood Heights Recreation Center.
Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. This could be a young boy in the ICU or a mother with Stage 3 leukemia. If you’re worried about needles, don’t be—most blood donors compare the experience to a mild, split-second pinch! The entire process is very safe and very fast, and you will feel amazing knowing you potentially saved up to three people.
Because of you, life doesn’t stop.
Tentative Dates:
March 29, June 28 & September 13, 2025*
9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Redwood Heights Recreation Center
3883 Aliso Ave, Oakland
* We will confirm these dates in January 2025
Our Blood Drive Goal
Forty-five appointments and many units of lifesaving units of blood! Will you help?
Please review the Things to Know information before signing up to donate. Appointments are strongly recommended.
Enter the Blood Drive Code: redwoodheights
Things to Know
- Are you eligible to donate? Review the Blood Donor Qualifications.
- 16-year-olds need a signed parental consent form.
- Donors should arrive well-nourished and hydrated.
- Bring a photo identification that includes your first and last name.
- The donation process takes approximately one hour (add an additional 20 minutes for a double red cell donation).
- Power Red Cell Donation – Power up your donation with an automated double red cell donation.
- Fast Track – Donors can complete the health questionnaire online before arriving at the drive. The questionnaire must be completed the same day as the donation, and the barcode needs to be presented at the drive. This can also be completed at the drive.

Can’t donate or the blood donation slots are full?
Please consider volunteering! Volunteers help make this blood drive a success. You will check in blood donors, provide info about the Redwood Heights Association, and hand out goodie bags to the donors. Easy 1 1/2 hour shifts. Can you help?
What Happens to Your Blood After You Donate?
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