Support Our Community: Donate Today
Redwood Heights Association (RHA) is an all-volunteer association, so 100% of your donation is applied to events, projects, and related expenses.
RHA believes that “bringing people together” at a local level can make a difference. We are actively doing this by hosting community events and spearheading capital improvement projects, such as the Redwood Heights Park renovation project. These efforts bring people together, develop relationships, and improve the quality of life in our city. Together, we can make positive changes where we live.
We’d love it if you could make a tax-deductible donation of $60 or more today to help us reach our goal and bring even more people together. Will you donate today?
PayPal, Credit, or Debit
Suggested Amounts
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Please check the Share my mailing address with Redwood Heights Association, Inc. box when submitting your donation.
Click HERE to download the donation form.
Receipts will be sent via email, so be sure to include your email address on the form.
Other Ways to Donate
Sponsor an Event
Interested in learning more about the sponsorship opportunities at RHA events? Please click HERE.
PayPal Giving Fund
PayPal Giving Fund helps people support their favorite charities.
Favorite charities appear at checkout and other giving opportunities across PayPal. Make us your favorite charity in your PayPal account.
Employer Matching
Corporate matching enables employee donations to Redwood Heights Association to be doubled, making twice the impact when supporting your local community. Check with your company to see if they will match your donation.
IRA Charitable Transfer
If you’re age 70 ½ or older and need to take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRA, you can transfer your RMD straight to RHA and it will be excluded from your taxable income. Check with your financial advisor for more information.
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